Crawford for Agriculture
A local presence specialising in the changing risks of the modern rural economy
When incidents occur, we rapidly mobilise our dedicated team of agri-sector adjusters to restore lives, farming businesses and rural communities. We add value thanks to a balance of technical expertise alongside a solid understanding of applied farming practices.
Crawford’s extensive network of loss adjusters specialising in agricultural and rural claims is one of the largest across Australia and New Zealand.
Our tailored service in this specialised area comes from our dedicated agriculture insurance specialists, agronomist adjusters and field assessors who are strategically located across the continent and therefore able to attend sites quickly and advise on a broad range of agriculture losses and crop claims.
When you work with Crawford Agriculture, you can expect:
- Specialist agricultural loss adjusting experts recognised as “expert” witnesses by the Courts
- Flexible, effective, and timely solutions for loss mitigation
- Accurate and impartial advice to all parties
- Superior understanding of the land, agribusiness, on-farm practices, and the people who drive the industry.
- Agriculture loss adjusting
- Loss mitigation services
- Causation and factual investigations
- Loss quantification
- Litigation support
- Expert witness services
- Crop claims auditing
- Claims preparation and handling
- Policy and underwriting advice
- Satellite imagery analysis
- Storm mapping
- Agriculture claims management
Our Team
Crawford Agriculture has around 200 people either employed by or contracted exclusively to Crawford. This ensures that in the advent of major events we have the in-field capacity to service your requirements quickly and efficiently.
Our depth of experience and expertise, combined with local knowledge, means we understand the merits of a claim, how to settle on a cost-effective basis and that we have the strength to build relationships under adversity. Our team prides itself on excellent communication and negotiation skills, enabling us to secure cost-effective resolution of agricultural matters. We have an industry leading reputation for exceptional service, innovative fee structure and superior reporting standards.

Leading the industry with intelligent IT solutions

Specifically designed for agriculture and food-related claims in Australia, our IT platform, “AgClaims,” enables efficient handling of data and assessments from our remotely based field adjusters. It generates accurate and timely reports and ensures strong communication with all interested parties including the client and broker/agent.
The smartphone and iPad applications of AgClaims allow the remote transmission of claim assessments and quantification of losses. These applications are linked to the AgClaims crop database so that interfacing of the IT platform and field application systems ensure professional claims delivery and international accessibility.
Crawford Agriculture has also adopted commercial technologies such as satellite imagery, crop modelling, spray-drift modelling, crop vigour maps, crop biomass maps, harvester yield maps, drones, and other resources to improve the accuracy and efficiency of crop loss assessing.
Ken Bullen
National Agriculture Leader
T: +61 746 140 855 | M: +61 427 272 807
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