Industry: Corporates
How technology, soft skills and empathy are empowering employees
Empathy + Technology: Learn how technology, soft skills and empathy work together to empower employees across your…
Exposure to war in Ukraine and the effects of sanctions against
Companies are seeking to address the global ripple of restrictions on imports and exports, supply chain disruption, escalating oil…
Why insurance fraud in Singapore keeps rising
Following the recent revelation in the Singapore Parliament of a tripling in the reports of insurance fraud in Singapore, Chan Hwee…
Crawford Cyber Global Solution
Learn how Crawford provides specialist claims management services from the outset of a cyber incident, whilst also being able to…
HBA Legal - Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)
Following formal endorsement from Reconciliation Australia, Crawford's Australian law firm (HBA Legal) has published its inaugural…
Rainfall design & intensity: Technical Bulletin
In the week of 4 July 2022, the east coast of New South Wales suffered a low-pressure weather event, resulting in high rainfalls…
Nidhi Verma Promoted to Chief People & ESG Officer
Crawford & Company (NYSE: CRD-A and CRD-B), the world’s largest publicly listed independent provider of claims management and…
Escalating costs & supply challenges across the building sector
For close to two years, Crawford Contractor Connection (our managed repair service) has been dealing with escalating building costs…
Crawford 2021 Global Citizenship report
With Crawford's worldwide network of experts dedicated to restoring lives, businesses and communities, we strive to be responsible…
Cyber Solutions: claims led - lawyer supported
New technologies bring new risks. The ‘One Crawford’ approach seamlessly integrates discrete aspects of our business to bring you…
Technical update 1: Ukraine
The current war between Russia and Ukraine is generating a number of potential exposures for insurers and their clients across a…
Market update: Russia-Ukraine
We are deeply saddened by the war in Ukraine that escalated last week. We hope for the safety ofthe Ukrainian people, all those in…