Industry: Insurance brokers
Today’s large and complex claims landscape — preparing for the perfect storm
As global disasters increase in scale and frequency, insurers must creatively align their resources to cope with increased demand…
Crawford & Company appoints Andrew Bart to Global President of Global Technical Services
Crawford & Company, the world's largest publicly listed independent provider of claims management solutions to insurance companies…
Escape of water: the number one priority
Escape of water has been a growing concern for claims directors for several years. Costs are rising and the complexity of water…
Singapore Health Service Cyber Attack — Lessons Learned
In the most recent cyber wake up call, the personal data of 1.5 million patients in Singapore has been hacked in the country’s…
Global Clients Today — September 2018
Welcome to the fifth edition of Global Clients Today, produced by the Global Client Development (GCD) team at Crawford & Company.…
Harsha V. Agadi presents at the 2018 Contractor Connection Conference
Crawford President and CEO Harsha V. Agadi provides the welcome address at the Opening General Session of the 2018 Contractor…
Contractor Connection Conference Video 2018
The 2018 Crawford Contractor Connection® Conference & Expo was held June 6-8 at the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis,…
Restoring and enhancing communities — a fire restoration case study
At Crawford, we know that a church is more than just a building. It's a spiritual home for a congregation of people, a touchpoint…
Wildfires and wine country: the million dollar Crawford claims advantage
When California was struck by wildfires in the fall of 2017, we used a methodology developed to assess the viability of vineyards…
Safe patient handling and mobility claims coding: a pragmatic and functional approach
Healthcare organizations are now engaged in Delivery System Transformation (DST), whereby performance-based incentive payment…
Contractor Connection client testimonials
Insurance carrier partners of Crawford's Contract Connection business talk about the innovative partnerships they have formed with…