Business Line: Loss adjusting
Fires caused by lithium-ion batteries
Fires caused by lithium-iron batteries are on the rise. Widen your knowledge of this emerging type of claim. In partnership with…
Crawford's Verma calls on industry to proactively address talent and skills shortage
Talent scarcity and skills deficits are creating urgency to bolster industry talent reserves, especially on the claims side of the…
Lisa Bartlett appointed Chief Operating Officer, International Operations
Crawford & Company is pleased to announce that Lisa Bartlett, president, UK & Ireland, has been promoted to chief operating officer,…
Unmanned Shipping - what does the future hold?
In the September 2023 edition of the Australasian Institute of Marine Surveyors, Crawford Australia's Kerryn Woonings (Senior Marine…
The (often severe) impact of underinsurance
The underinsurance gap in Australia is steadily widening thanks to current inflationary pressures; it's an issue we're urging…
Navigating liability claims
More often than not, liability claims are complex requiring the skills of various experts. In this webinar, you hear from Crawford…
Claims inflation update
Crawford is pleased to share with you our latest claims inflation paper, providing insight into the costs that continue to impact…
Crawford & Company appoints new Australia President
With 30+ industry years’ experience, Jonathan Hubbard takes the reins. Crawford & Company® (NYSE: CRD-A and CRD-B) has appointed…
Victorian earthquake cluster: Technical Bulletin
Over the past 18-24 months, three moderate seismic events have been recorded within 150km of Melbourne and surrounds, plus many…
Sunbury earthquake: Technical Bulletin
On 28 May 2023, a magnitude 3.8 earthquake occurred near Sunbury, Victoria, in Melbourne’s northwestern outer suburbs. The quake was…
A better, fairer liability claims process
Liability claims keeping you awake at night? Would you like to reduce claim duration, better control indemnity spend and drive down…
Crawford Australia: Solving claims challenges with innovation & expertise
Did you know we are the only claims management provider in Australia to be able to handle a claim from ‘first notification of loss’…